Monday, February 18, 2008

The Anthem video revisited

I have continued my search for more info about Caitlin Davidson and Dylan Cunningham who were responsible for the video of Leonard Cohen’s ‘The Anthem’ that I cited a couple of days ago (see below, Feb 14). As best I can figure out, they put this show together for a Filmapalooza at their high school in New Brunswick, Canada. Dylan put a re-cut version of the video to Soundgarden’s ‘Fell on Black Day” — maybe, he didn’t care for Cohen so much after all... maybe, he just wanted to prove he could do it. The original 48 Hour Filmapalooza is the oldest and largest timed film competition in the US, but I’m guessing this one was strictly Tantramar Regional High School.

In 2007, 31 US cities participated in this now international Filmapalooza project with over 17,000 participants. According to the organizers, "the competition is a race against time. On Friday evening, filmmakers draw a genre from a hat. Before the final kick off at 7 PM, a character, prop, and a line of dialogue are assigned and the filmmakers are off. They rush off to write, shoot, and edit their films. The final masterpiece is due by 7:30 PM sharp, on Sunday. Films screen at local theaters just days later. Everyone on a team must be a volunteer, and although some teams are fiercely competitive, many teams look at this as a chance to have a high-octane get-together with friends. The 48 Hour Film Project was started by Mark Ruppert and Liz Langston in Washington, DC, six years ago."

Maybe Cait or Dylan will write and we will find out more about their project.


Anonymous said... name is zach,...I was Caitlyns teacher and I ran the filmapalooza at our high school...I can tell you one thing, the world will change for the better and Cait will be somehow responsible for it. I have not known an adult or student who is as motivated or passionate about anything they do...

as for the filmapalooza, we're on the go again, the structure is much more loose (lets call it a leadership vacuum since the grande fromage left (cait)...) but its on for after easter this year...I've been lucky enough to get one other video on line called my cat the won short movie feel free to share it


Porter Agency said...

Nice to hear from you Zach. I have done quite alot of chatting with Cait and Dylan since posting their video.

It's encouraging to see our young folks finding meaning and direction through their involvement in the arts, but I am sorry to learn that they have not been able to continue their video efforts since leaving high school.

The Filmapalooza sounds like a great idea. Perhaps you'll discover some more great people this year. Best!